PortraitsPage 2 of 2
Photographs in this section are not just portraits of some people shot at a certain time and in a certain place. There is always a story behind each of them, which for me is inseparable from the photos themselves. That is why I always diligently describe the nuances of their creation. Each person is a unique individual. And although I prepare for each shooting, trying to find out as much information about it as possible, still, time passes, details wear off, and people get forgotten. Only portraits remain and what I can tell about these people, the time and venues where these portraits were taken. So, I continue to simply carry on my narrative.
Chris Thurber
"Thank you for this helpful information, Sasha! As you can tell, from comments ..."
"Great photograph - have done a drawing from it ! Up at instagram "
"the surface of a 135mm 36-exposure film is approximately 320cm², that of a ..."
Sasha Krasnov
"Yes, that's absolutely right. Any film camera changes the whole paradigm of photography, ..."
Sasha Krasnov
"Yashica Electro 35 family cameras are the most inexpensive among others. You can ..."