About me

Hi! My name is Sasha Krasnov. I’m a photographer specializing in analog photography. I won’t describe in detail why it is so as there are many reasons which I have already outlined in 12 reasons why I still shoot on film article.

To create my photos I exclusively use old cameras. Unfortunately, photographic films are becoming less accessible now. This led to the fact that I often experiment with expired films, getting unexpected, and sometimes quite interesting results! However, I still hope that the film won’t disappear, and I will continue to shoot on it until there is at least one film roll left.

It happened so that I mainly shoot portraits. Not to say that I have taken this path on purpose out of the desire to be “a portrait photographer”. No, it happened somehow by itself and not immediately. But I like it.

Annie Leibovitz once said that when she was far from home, she needed a friend and a defender, reliable and silent. It turned out to be a camera, which she was able to hide behind and which rid her of shyness. And I also experienced something similar. But most importantly, the camera gave me the opportunity to meet people whom I would never meet in my life, even by accident.

Now my portfolio includes portraits of such famous people such as Bernardo Bertolucci, Krzysztof Zanussi, Juliette Lewis, Damien Hirst, Paco Rabanne, Paolo Roversi, Patrick Demarchelier, Chuck Berry, and many others. Each portrait is a story that happened at a specific time and in a certain place. Therefore, I find it important to post not just photos, albeit combined in a series, but portrait stories associated with them on my website.

Not much is needed for a good portrait. In most cases, I prefer to take pictures outdoors. After all, if you wish, you can design a studio there too – the background is always in abundance, you only need to find the right light. And using portable reflectors, you can almost always achieve the desired result. Often the place itself tells you how to best use it.

In fact, you always create a portrait in your head first, and then just implement your ideas using current conditions, whether it’s a street, a studio or just some kind of room.

However, the technical side of photography is no less interesting. For many years I have been shooting with a Pentax 67 camera. It has become a real testing ground for me, and my experience has become the basis for a blog.

But I shoot not only portraits, I love street photos too, but in fact, they often serve as illustrative material for my articles on photographic equipment.

It would be completely wrong to assume that I only do black and white photography. Although of course, I focus on it much more than on color photography because a B&W negative is an opportunity to print independently in the darkroom. And this opens up huge scope for creativity.

Henri Cartier-Bresson said that “the only moment of creativity is one twenty-fifth of a second, when the shutter clicks, the light flickers in the camera and the movement stops”. And this is a very fair remark. But as long as the photograph is not transferred to paper, it does not seem to exist. And the printing just “breathes” life into it. Each print is unique in its own way.

I have garnered a lot of experience since 1984 when I first got hold of a photographic camera. I share my experience on the blog. Leave your comments below articles if you want to express your opinion if you notice a mistake or just want to add something. Additions often become an important part of an article. This feedback is very important to me as it shows how important my work is to you.

I also receive a lot of messages with questions regarding photography in general and try to answer all of them. Do not get offended if I do not answer immediately. This means that I simply do not have the opportunity to answer you right now, but I will definitely respond to your query!


  1. Hi Sasha

    Earle here from Australia.

    Re: Pentax 67
    – 200mm lens
    What is the difference between the Pentax & Takumar 200s?

    200mm on 67 = 100mm on 35mm
    I’m thinking that 200mm would be best for my kind of portraits.
    Your view?

    Many thanks in advance

    • Hi Earle,

      I think it depends on your own style of taking portraits. I would prefer a bit shorter lens in the range of 135mm to 150mm. As for me, such a lens allows staying a bit closer to the model having much better communication. However, I have the old Takumar 200mmm but it is too heavy for me. Some people report that it also has too many chromatic aberrations and not good enough for color photography. But in my opinion for black and white shots it is still a great option — it is incredibly cheap. I got mine for about 35 USD, near MINT condition. So, I think you would better look at the new 200mm. It has some advantages over the old one — a much closer focusing distance and weight. It is also an inexpensive lens.

  2. Thanks Sasha. I think your 150mm suggestion (equal to an 85mm in 35mm) makes sense.
    On my Nikon F4s I’m using an 85mm (AF) and stopped down it produces good bokeh for portraits. And I agree, it does keep the subject closer and more intimate. So thanks for that advice. Earle

  3. Sasha,

    I stumbled upon your website while searching for a user manual for the SMC Pentax 6×7 Shift 75mm lens.

    It is absolutely spectacular!

    Keep up the great work!


    Fabuleux , très riche en commentaires et expériences , j’ai appris beaucoup en lisant vos articles sur les optiques du Pentax 6X7 et votre technique pour photographier les personnes . Merci Sasha pour ces renseignements précieux et votre excellent travail .

  5. Happened upon your blog while searching for information on P67 lenses. I own a Pentax 645z and recently purchased the p67-645 adapter. I have quite a few lenses for my 645z already, including the 90mm and 120mm macro. So far I purchased the 45mm for P67. I am currently looking for a tilt shift lens but am having issues finding one wide enough for architecture/real estate.
    I am also a fan of antique lenses like the ones sold on lens boutique. I was wondering if you could recommend any antique lenses that would afford me a different look than what is already capable with the native p67 and p645 lenses. I like the sharp parts to be very sharp although I also like a nice bokeh. Also I have recently been gifted some large format lenses of which I would love to try and use but haven’t a clue as to who I could go to to be able to help modify them to p645 or p67 format so I can use the adapter on my 645 and retain the large image capabilities if I want to use it with something larger later on.

  6. Oliver Harding

    Hi, I am a university student studying Photography at Canterbury Christchurch University. I was wondering if I could email you some questions for my artist research. I can explain more in the email.
    Would this be okay with you?

    Thank you

  7. Excellent website! Very helpful to the things I stumbled upon with the Pentax 67 (mirror lockup!), Mamiya 67mm shade, new batteries and more.

    I’ve been around many pro photographers in the past who used the 67 to do photos for my advertising, but never cared to handle one myself before now. I am sure I will revisit your site many times.

  8. Hi sasha,
    I’m andy from indonesia. I would like to know your opinion about yashica electro 35GL amongs electro 35 products..What are the advantages and disadvantages of this product..thanks

    • Hi, Andy!
      As outlined in the article, the Electro 35GL’s key features include a lens-integrated exposure meter, a slightly shorter focal length, and a maximum film speed of 1000 ISO.

  9. Rupert Cullinane

    Hey Sasha,

    I was just wondering if I could send you an email about a few questions I have?

    Many thanks

    • Hi Rupert, I apologize for taking so long to reply. I’ve sent you an email. Please let me know if you have any questions.

  10. Marfa

    Hello Sasha,

    My name is Marfa Veselova and I am an editor in the publishing house “Metamorphoses”. We have plans to republish the book about Ilia Kormiltsev. It has your photo on the cover. We are wondering could we have a permission to use it again. Please contact me.


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