Now it is possible to get a Takumar 6X7 150mm F2.8 lens for an attractive price. However, it does not seem to be as popular as its later…
I couldn’t have ever imagined that I would take hold of Pentax 67 120mm F3.5 Soft, even if for some time. I am not a fan of soft-focus…
I long wanted to try out Yashica Electro 35 rangefinder film camera. One could say that it was my childhood dream, even before I knew about this camera’s…
I long considered buying a Mamiya TLR, especially after several years of using the Pentacon Six system. Unfortunately, this system proved to be very unreliable and I wanted…
The Curonian Spit is a completely unique place. This thin sand-dune spit stretching for almost 100 km, with natural landscapes created by time and wind, is distinguished by…
Rodinal is a film developer, the recipe of which was introduced by Agfa in 1892 and which has been actively used since then despite the fact that photographic…
"the surface of a 135mm 36-exposure film is approximately 320cm², that of a ..."
Sasha Krasnov
"Yes, that's absolutely right. Any film camera changes the whole paradigm of photography, ..."
Sasha Krasnov
"Yashica Electro 35 family cameras are the most inexpensive among others. You can ..."
Pentax 67II – The Perfect Travel Camera – 35mmc
"[…] so rarely found in a medium format camera. The 105mm lens may ..."
ssspinterest website
"Loved this review! The sample images you've included really showcase the character of ..."