Bayonet-mount filters are another useful and interesting accessory for Pentax 67 lenses. While doing mostly black-and-white photography, it is almost impossible to go without special color filters helping…
All extension tubes are designed to enable a camera lens to focus closer than a lens’s minimum object distance (MOD) for more magnification. Pentax 67 extension tubes are…
Mirror stuck up is a common problem of old Pentax 6X7/67 cameras when their mirror gets stuck in the upper position after the shutter has fired and remained…
It is an open secret that Pentax 6X7 and 67 don’t run without power. While their mirror and cloth curtains are mechanically driven, they are in fact electrically…
I’ve extensively used my Pentax 6X7 and 67 cameras for many years and especially like their high speed lenses — 90mm F2.8, 105mm F2.4, 150mm F2.8 and 165mm…
Kodak D-76 is a classic and truly versatile developer which first entered the market in 1927. It provides full emulsion speed, long density range and excellent shadow detail…
The liquid emulsion is also referred to as Liquid Light is the gelatin silver light-sensitive liquid photographic emulsion that is used in alternative photography printing processes based on…
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Chris Thurber
"Thank you for this helpful information, Sasha! As you can tell, from comments ..."
"Great photograph - have done a drawing from it ! Up at instagram "
"the surface of a 135mm 36-exposure film is approximately 320cm², that of a ..."
Sasha Krasnov
"Yes, that's absolutely right. Any film camera changes the whole paradigm of photography, ..."
Sasha Krasnov
"Yashica Electro 35 family cameras are the most inexpensive among others. You can ..."