This is my analog photography blog where I publish articles about cameras, film development, printing, alternative processes, and everything else related to analog photography.
This is my analog photography blog where I publish articles about cameras, film development, printing, alternative processes, and everything else related to analog photography.
"Great photograph - have done a drawing from it ! Up at instagram "
"the surface of a 135mm 36-exposure film is approximately 320cm², that of a ..."
Sasha Krasnov
"Yes, that's absolutely right. Any film camera changes the whole paradigm of photography, ..."
Sasha Krasnov
"Yashica Electro 35 family cameras are the most inexpensive among others. You can ..."
Pentax 67II – The Perfect Travel Camera – 35mmc
"[…] so rarely found in a medium format camera. The 105mm lens may ..."