Pentax 67
The Pentax 67/6X7 is a Japanese SLR medium format film camera system made by Asahi Optical Co. The system first entered the world in 1969 with the original Pentax 6X7 camera, then was improved in the Pentax 67 camera released in 1990, and discontinued in 1999 with the launch of the Pentax 67II camera. This system is famous for its 6×7cm “ideal format” negatives (actual image size 55×70mm) on 120/220 film format. It consists of camera bodies, interchangeable viewfinders, a wide range of fixed focal length and zoom lenses, and a variety of accessories. The whole system is often referred to as P67. Here I share my own experience of using this camera system.
"Great photograph - have done a drawing from it ! Up at instagram "
"the surface of a 135mm 36-exposure film is approximately 320cm², that of a ..."
Sasha Krasnov
"Yes, that's absolutely right. Any film camera changes the whole paradigm of photography, ..."
Sasha Krasnov
"Yashica Electro 35 family cameras are the most inexpensive among others. You can ..."
Pentax 67II – The Perfect Travel Camera – 35mmc
"[…] so rarely found in a medium format camera. The 105mm lens may ..."